About me

Hello and welcome!
I am Cat, working behind the scenes of One Creative Cat.
I have always been making - I never stopped knitting since I learned as a child. I need the soft fibre touch. I love wearing things I make and seeing my knitting worn by others. Knitting is a slow process, it's calming, a time to slow down, to pause, to stop racing and moving, a bit like a meditation. A time for reflection.
I discovered dyeing some times ago, curious about the process. Colour mixing takes me back to landscapes, flashbacks of long walks, beautiful panoramas of the Alps, where I grew up. Making something unique, coming from my heart, my memories, my family history of trekking and passion for the mountains.
Why choose natural fibres? I love the soft, colourful, infinite possibilities to make unique and original shapes and textures reflecting the natural world. It's like a trek up the mountain: slow and steady, a rhythm, an unhurried climb revealing it all at the end, when you get to the top and you can admire it all, take in the view, and catch your breath.
Do you need to get in touch? Contact me: onecreative.cat@yahoo.com